Friday 13 May 2011

stones and things.......

crystal healing...........mmmm that makes you a proper hippy then! i was told by a good friend!

ive been doing my VTCT in crystal healing, the equivalent of a NVQ ( yes i had a good chuckle over this, what a NVQ in crystals!).

i attended my study day and took along my new pendulum (which is very receptive)

we learnt how to place the chakra crystals on the chakras and learnt how to place4 the appropriate crystals around the body

we then received and gave treatments

we had to use our pendulum to ask if the chakra was in balanced and /or needed healing...........of which the pendulum answered!

we then had to use our (new) crystal wand to remove any blockages by twisting it within the chakra area ( felt a bit silly at this)
i used reiki at the same time as this felt intuitively right, my recipient could feel the heat and tingling and was really surprised by it! ( she had not received reiki before)

my turn to receive a treatment.........

i was able to pinpoint my chakras that needed healing as i could feel the crystals gently vibrating on my body!!
and when i received the healing from the crystal wand (the twisty bit) i could feel it! a slightly bizarre "scooping tingly " sensation not horrid at all just peculiar!

and so to practice.........and i can not wait!
 it works so well with the reiki, both vibrate at different levels giving a truly amazing healing experience!!

Thursday 31 March 2011


meeting new and like minded people can always be an uplifting experience. Today i met some amazing people, sharing experiences and learning from each other.

How, when people haven't met before do their energies interlink so well?
flow like water, become an uprising of energies........

when all together in a circle , all feeling and experience the same thing
whats at work, psychology, physics,the universe, auras, past life experiences?

I like to think auras. the energies interlink as do our auras..............but who knows?

Tuesday 1 March 2011

reiki 1 to reiki 2 and beyond

my journey with reiki 1 has expanded to completing reiki attunenment complete and my 21 days of self healing have began.

reiki 1 has been a huge experience and journey for me, i have learnt a great experiences have been mind blowing, my dreams, what i have seen and felt, what my "guinea pigs" have experienced. All or most documented within this blog.

and the little intuition has increased so much it became a little scary at first!, my trust in the universe has increased, my patience, my way of dealing with situations or vexous people has changed!

this reminds me of my favourite "poem" by max Ehrmann..........." you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. and whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should!".........not a bad little " mantra". reiki has reminded me of this, this what i always knew...........of which is inside everyone! oh to reiki the world!

...........and so the next stage of my journey is undertaken.
what will reiki 2 bring me! i am both nervous and excited........will i experience more?
there are already those subtle little things occurring.......

the journey continues.

Monday 10 January 2011

reiki dreams.......?

so............i have been practising..i love reiki. it is definitely for me, maybe my future?
i have been wondering about whether i should set a date for reiki 11.

just before the new year i have a dream.

i dream about a meadow.......and i am walking along and floating about me are symbols, which appear to be made out of a cloud like substance although i can hold them i my hands.

they are generally swirly in nature.

when i wake up i draw them roughly before continuing my day.....

i have never seen the reiki symbols as , although curious i felt it may be improper or i wanted to do it properly when my reiki master/mentor introduced them to me  when i was ready.

my dream kept coming to the forefront of my mind and i kept on thinking about them............i had to know.

so i looked at the reiki symbols online...........the two symbols i had drawn looked very similar to two of the reiki symbols.

so am i ready for reiki 11?